

exception anyblok_marshmallow.exceptions.RegistryNotFound

Bases: Exception

Exception raised when no registry is found to build schema


Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.



class anyblok_marshmallow.fields.Nested(nested, default=<marshmallow.missing>, exclude=(), only=None, **kwargs)

Bases: marshmallow.fields.Nested

Inherit marshmallow fields.Nested


The context dictionary for the parent Schema.

deserialize(value, attr=None, data=None)

Deserialize value.

Raises:ValidationError – If an invalid value is passed or if a required value is missing.
fail(key, **kwargs)

A helper method that simply raises a ValidationError.

get_value(attr, obj, accessor=None, default=<marshmallow.missing>)

Return the value for a given key from an object.


Reference to the Schema that this field belongs to even if it is buried in a List. Return None for unbound fields.


Overload the super property to remove cache

it is the only way to propagate the context at each call

serialize(attr, obj, accessor=None)

Pulls the value for the given key from the object, applies the field’s formatting and returns the result.

  • attr (str) – The attibute or key to get from the object.
  • obj (str) – The object to pull the key from.
  • accessor (callable) – Function used to pull values from obj.

ValidationError – In case of formatting problem


class anyblok_marshmallow.fields.File(default=<marshmallow.missing>, attribute=None, load_from=None, dump_to=None, error=None, validate=None, required=False, allow_none=None, load_only=False, dump_only=False, missing=<marshmallow.missing>, error_messages=None, **metadata)

Bases: marshmallow.fields.Field


The context dictionary for the parent Schema.

deserialize(value, attr=None, data=None)

Deserialize value.

Raises:ValidationError – If an invalid value is passed or if a required value is missing.
fail(key, **kwargs)

A helper method that simply raises a ValidationError.

get_value(attr, obj, accessor=None, default=<marshmallow.missing>)

Return the value for a given key from an object.


Reference to the Schema that this field belongs to even if it is buried in a List. Return None for unbound fields.

serialize(attr, obj, accessor=None)

Pulls the value for the given key from the object, applies the field’s formatting and returns the result.

  • attr (str) – The attibute or key to get from the object.
  • obj (str) – The object to pull the key from.
  • accessor (callable) – Function used to pull values from obj.

ValidationError – In case of formatting problem


class anyblok_marshmallow.fields.Text(default=<marshmallow.missing>, attribute=None, load_from=None, dump_to=None, error=None, validate=None, required=False, allow_none=None, load_only=False, dump_only=False, missing=<marshmallow.missing>, error_messages=None, **metadata)

Bases: marshmallow.fields.String

Simple field use to distinct by the class String and Text


The context dictionary for the parent Schema.

deserialize(value, attr=None, data=None)

Deserialize value.

Raises:ValidationError – If an invalid value is passed or if a required value is missing.
fail(key, **kwargs)

A helper method that simply raises a ValidationError.

get_value(attr, obj, accessor=None, default=<marshmallow.missing>)

Return the value for a given key from an object.


Reference to the Schema that this field belongs to even if it is buried in a List. Return None for unbound fields.

serialize(attr, obj, accessor=None)

Pulls the value for the given key from the object, applies the field’s formatting and returns the result.

  • attr (str) – The attibute or key to get from the object.
  • obj (str) – The object to pull the key from.
  • accessor (callable) – Function used to pull values from obj.

ValidationError – In case of formatting problem


class anyblok_marshmallow.fields.JsonCollection(fieldname=None, keys=None, instance='default', cls_or_instance_type=<class 'marshmallow.fields.String'>, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: marshmallow.fields.Field


The context dictionary for the parent Schema.

deserialize(value, attr=None, data=None)

Deserialize value.

Raises:ValidationError – If an invalid value is passed or if a required value is missing.
fail(key, **kwargs)

A helper method that simply raises a ValidationError.

get_value(attr, obj, accessor=None, default=<marshmallow.missing>)

Return the value for a given key from an object.


Reference to the Schema that this field belongs to even if it is buried in a List. Return None for unbound fields.

serialize(attr, obj, accessor=None)

Pulls the value for the given key from the object, applies the field’s formatting and returns the result.

  • attr (str) – The attibute or key to get from the object.
  • obj (str) – The object to pull the key from.
  • accessor (callable) – Function used to pull values from obj.

ValidationError – In case of formatting problem


class anyblok_marshmallow.fields.Country(default=<marshmallow.missing>, attribute=None, load_from=None, dump_to=None, error=None, validate=None, required=False, allow_none=None, load_only=False, dump_only=False, missing=<marshmallow.missing>, error_messages=None, **metadata)

Bases: marshmallow.fields.String


The context dictionary for the parent Schema.

deserialize(value, attr=None, data=None)

Deserialize value.

Raises:ValidationError – If an invalid value is passed or if a required value is missing.
fail(key, **kwargs)

A helper method that simply raises a ValidationError.

get_value(attr, obj, accessor=None, default=<marshmallow.missing>)

Return the value for a given key from an object.


Reference to the Schema that this field belongs to even if it is buried in a List. Return None for unbound fields.

serialize(attr, obj, accessor=None)

Pulls the value for the given key from the object, applies the field’s formatting and returns the result.

  • attr (str) – The attibute or key to get from the object.
  • obj (str) – The object to pull the key from.
  • accessor (callable) – Function used to pull values from obj.

ValidationError – In case of formatting problem


class anyblok_marshmallow.fields.Country(default=<marshmallow.missing>, attribute=None, load_from=None, dump_to=None, error=None, validate=None, required=False, allow_none=None, load_only=False, dump_only=False, missing=<marshmallow.missing>, error_messages=None, **metadata)

Bases: marshmallow.fields.String


The context dictionary for the parent Schema.

deserialize(value, attr=None, data=None)

Deserialize value.

Raises:ValidationError – If an invalid value is passed or if a required value is missing.
fail(key, **kwargs)

A helper method that simply raises a ValidationError.

get_value(attr, obj, accessor=None, default=<marshmallow.missing>)

Return the value for a given key from an object.


Reference to the Schema that this field belongs to even if it is buried in a List. Return None for unbound fields.

serialize(attr, obj, accessor=None)

Pulls the value for the given key from the object, applies the field’s formatting and returns the result.

  • attr (str) – The attibute or key to get from the object.
  • obj (str) – The object to pull the key from.
  • accessor (callable) – Function used to pull values from obj.

ValidationError – In case of formatting problem




decorator to get temporaly the value in kwargs and put it in schema

Params entries:array ok entry name to take from the kwargs



remove the anyblok prefix form the field name


class anyblok_marshmallow.schema.ModelConverter(schema_cls=None)

Bases: marshmallow_sqlalchemy.convert.ModelConverter

Overwrite the ModelConverter class of marshmallow-sqlalchemy

The goal if to fix the fieldname, because they are prefixed.

fields_for_model(Model, **kwargs)

Overwrite the method and remove prefix of the field name


class anyblok_marshmallow.schema.TemplateSchema

Bases: object

Base class of Schema generated by SchemaWrapper


alias of marshmallow_sqlalchemy.schema.ModelSchemaOpts


class anyblok_marshmallow.schema.PostLoadSchema

Bases: object

Return the AnyBlok instance from marshmallow deserialize


class anyblok_marshmallow.schema.SchemaWrapper(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Schema Wrapper to generate marshmallow schema

class MySchema(SchemaWrapper):
    model = 'Model.Name'

the wrapper implement the marshmallow.base.SchemaABC abstract class. And call the methods of the marshmallow schema with the same parameter

Some class attributes can be added to improve the schema:

  • model: str, the registry name of the AnyBlok model
  • required_fields: list of the field which become required In this case the anyblok columns are not required but schema force them to be required
  • registry: the anyblok registry, only if you know it
  • only_primary_key: boolean, if True the marshmallow parameter only will be filled with the name of the primary keys.


The model and registry are required to generate the schema. they can be defined by class attribute, parameter in the methods (load, loads, validate, dump, dumps) or in the context attribute.


Generate the real mashmallow-sqlalchemy schema


property to get the real schema