
Declare your AnyBlok model

from anyblok.column import Integer, String
from anyblok.relationship import Many2One, Many2Many
from anyblok import Declarations

class City:

    id = Integer(primary_key=True)
    name = String(nullable=False)
    zipcode = String(nullable=False)

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<City(name={!r})>'.format(self=self)

class Tag:

    id = Integer(primary_key=True)
    name = String(nullable=False)

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<Tag(name={!r})>'.format(self=self)

class Customer:
    id = Integer(primary_key=True)
    name = String(nullable=False)
    tags = Many2Many(model=Declarations.Model.Tag)

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<Customer(name={!r}, '

class Address:

    id = Integer(primary_key=True)
    street = String(nullable=False)
    city = Many2One(model=Declarations.Model.City, nullable=False)
    customer = Many2One(
        model=Declarations.Model.Customer, nullable=False,


The AnyBlok model must be declared in a blok

Declare your schema

from anyblok_marshmallow import ModelSchema
from anyblok_marshmallow.fields import Nested

class CitySchema(ModelSchema):

    class Meta:
        model = 'Model.City'

class TagSchema(ModelSchema):

    class Meta:
        model = 'Model.Tag'

class AddressSchema(ModelSchema):

    # follow the relationship Many2One and One2One
    city = Nested(CitySchema)

    class Meta:
        model = 'Model.Address'

class CustomerSchema(ModelSchema):

    # follow the relationship One2Many and Many2Many
    # - the many=True is required because it is *2Many
    # - exclude is used to forbid the recurse loop
    addresses = Nested(AddressSchema, many=True, exclude=('customer', ))
    tags = Nested(TagSchema, many=True)

    class Meta:
        model = 'Model.Customer'
        # optionally attach an AnyBlok registry
        # to use for serialization, desarialization and validation
        registry = registry
        # optionally return an AnyBlok model instance
        post_load_return_instance = True

customer_schema = CustomerSchema()


New in version 1.1.0 the Nested field must come from anyblok_marshmallow, because marshmallow cache the Nested field with the context. And the context is not propagated again if it changed

(De)serialize your data and validate it

customer = registry.Customer.insert(name="JS Suzanne")
tag1 = registry.Tag.insert(name="tag 1")
tag2 = registry.Tag.insert(name="tag 2")
rouen = registry.City.insert(name="Rouen", zipcode="76000")
paris = registry.City.insert(name="Paris", zipcode="75000")
registry.Address.insert(customer=customer, street="Somewhere", city=rouen)
registry.Address.insert(customer=customer, street="Another place", city=paris)

dump_data = customer_schema.dump(customer).data
# {
#     'id': 1,
#     'name': 'JS Suzanne',
#     'tags': [
#         {
#             'id': 1,
#             'name': 'tag 1',
#         },
#         {
#             'id': 2,
#             'name': 'tag 2',
#         },
#     ],
#     'addresses': [
#         {
#             'id': 1
#             'street': 'Somewhere'
#             'city': {
#                 'id': 1,
#                 'name': 'Rouen',
#                 'zipcode': '76000',
#             },
#         },
#         {
#             'id': 2
#             'street': 'Another place'
#             'city': {
#                 'id': 2,
#                 'name': 'Paris',
#                 'zipcode': '75000',
#             },
#         },
#     ],
# }

# <Customer(name='JS Suzanne' tags=[<Tag(name='tag 1')>, <Tag (name='tag 2')>])>

errors = customer_schema.validate(dump_data)
# dict with all the validating errors


By default: the deserialization return a dict with deserialized data, here we get an instance of the model because the CustomerSchema add post_load_return_instance = True in their Meta

Give the registry

The schema need to have the registry.

If no registry found when the de(serialization) or validation then the RegistryNotFound exception will be raised.

Add the registry by the Meta

This is the solution given in the main exemple:

class CustomerSchema(ModelSchema):

    class Meta:
        model = 'Model.Customer'
        registry = registry

Add the registry during init

This solution is use during the instanciation

customer_schema = CustomerSchema(registry=registry)

Add the registry by the context

This solution is use during the instanciation or after

customer_schema = CustomerSchema(context={'registry': registry})


customer_schema = CustomerSchema()
customer_schema.context['registry'] = registry

Add the registry when the de(serialization or validatoris called

customer_schema.dump(customer, registry=registry)
customer_schema.load(dump_data, registry=registry)
customer_schema.validate(dump_data, registry=registry)

post_load_return_instance option

As the registry this option can be passed by initialization of the schema, by the context or during the call of methods

The value of this options can be:

  • False: default, the output is a dict
  • True: the output is an instance of the model. The primary keys must be in value
  • array of string: the output is an instance of the model, each str entry must be an existing column


If the option is not False, and the instance can no be found, then the instance error will be added in the errors dict of the method


The post load is only for load method!!!

model option

This option add in the model name. As the registry, this option can be passed by definition, initialization, context or during the call of the (de)serialization / validation

class AnySchema(ModelSchema):

    class Meta:
        model = "Model.Customer"


any_schema = AnySchema(model="Model.customer")


any_schema.context['model'] = "Model.Customer"


any_schema.dump(instance, model="Model.Customer")
any_schema.load(dump_data, model="Model.Customer")
any_schema.validate(dump_data, model="Model.Customer")

only_primary_key option

This option add in the only argument the primary keys of the model. As the registry, this option can be passed by definition, initialization, context or during the call of the (de)serialization / validation

class CustomerSchema(ModelSchema):

    class Meta:
        model = "Model.Customer"
        only_primary_key = True


customer_schema = CustomerSchema(only_primary_key=True)


customer_schema.context['only_primary_key'] = True


customer_schema.dump(instance, only_primary_key=True)
customer_schema.load(dump_data, only_primary_key=True)
customer_schema.validate(dump_data, only_primary_key=True)